Sunday Weigh-Ins

Sunday Weigh Ins 
(Not much is changing, so I am switching myself to every other Sunday for weigh ins)

So, today's the day and I have weighed myself and I am sweating bullets right now.  Do I want to post my weight?  NO way, Jose.  Should I?  Of course.  It's why I am here right?  And I know no one is judging me, we're all weight loss buddies, right?  Seriously, why do I care what the number is.  Look in the mirror, look at me, you can see my ass is too fat and my stomach deceives a lot of strangers to ask me, "When are you due?"  Yes, my friends, this has happened more than once.  So, just saying the number isn't going to make one drop down from complete surprise.  Look at me, I'm fat. 

Sunday, 12/12/10: 225 lbs (I'm 5'2 on a good day - BMI of: 41.2)
Wow, was January not good - I weighed myself but nothing changed.  I failed this month.
Let's hope February is good to me, or better yet, I am good to myself. 


  1. OOoh good luck on tomorrow´s WI

  2. Yep first one and I am still debating to go public with the number!! :)

  3. I am right there with ya!!! One day at a time ;)

  4. Keep moving forward :) You will see results.... I'm proud of you!

    Eating To lose blogger
